Every Börkey machine roller starts with a “Made-in-Germany” - interlocking solid frame design, however, each component can be upgraded to improve certain performance characteristics allowing a perfect configuration for any application.
The standard Börkey machine roller features the Solid frame construction with hardened steel load wheels. These Machine Rollers are specifically made for installation of machines & material handling where the machine rollers are only loaded for a short time and roll short distances. (Models KK, KN and KC).
Hardening the center plate additionally significantly improves the ease of rolling after long standstill under load. These Robust Rollers are made for loads that sit longer on the dollies, roll a short distance but must roll after an extended period of inactivity such as during construction. (Models KB and KA.)
Further upgrading to the Super Robust construction provides superior strength and stability against torsion and fatigue over time under extreme loads and extreme rolling forces. Using load wheels manufactured from hardened 50CrV4 steel creates a higher safety capacity against point loading (rocking) and side forces (wind). The addition of a “channel”-type chain guide to the center plate keeps the load wheels in a track preventing wheels from scraping against the walls and prevents chain damage. These Machine Rollers are specifically made for permanent load carrying, where loads sit on these rollers for many years, must roll a long distance, and must be safe even when subjected to rocking or side forces. (Models KS and KZ.)
By adding a groove into the middle of each wheel and outfitting the center plate with a “center”-type chain guide to run inside the wheel groove wear on the wheels is completely eliminated. This allows the machine rollers to be used frequently. (Model KM)
All machine roller models have “blackened” wheels plus a zinc-phosphate coated frame to provide a durable basic level of corrosion resistance. Galvanization of wheels, axles and links improves the corrosion resistance significantly. (Models KB, KA, KS, KZ and KM). Additional options such as galvanization of frame, stainless steel components and marine & offshore coatings are available. (Models KS, KZ and KM).